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Limited Edition Golden Llama is here! Check out how you can get one. Limited Edition Golden Llama is here! Check out how you can get one.
Offering SPR-BLI Services - Proteins provided for free! Offering SPR-BLI Services - Proteins provided for free!
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Here come GMP Grade Cytokines!Free Sample is available! Here come GMP Grade Cytokines!Free Sample is available!
293 cells were transfected with anti-CD19-scFv and RFP tag. 2e5 of the cells were stained with FITC-Labeled Human CD19 (20-291), Fc Tag (Cat. No. CD9-HF251, 10 μg/ml) and FITC-labeled protein control. Non-transfected 293 cells and FITC-labeled protein control were used as negative control. RFP was used to evaluate CAR (anti-CD19-scFv) expression and FITC was used to evaluate the binding activity of FITC-Labeled Human CD19 (20-291), Fc Tag (Cat. No. CD9-HF251) (QC tested).
Flow Cytometry assay shows that PE-Labeled Human PD-1, Fc Tag, His Tag (recommended for neutralizing assay) (Cat. No. PD1-HP2F2) can bind to 293T cells overexpressing human PD-L1. 1μl stock solution per million cells (QC tested).
FACS analysis shows that the binding of PE-Labeled Human PD-1, Fc Tag, His Tag (recommended for neutralizing assay) (Cat. No.PD1-HP2F2) to 293T overexpressing PD-L1 was inhibited by increasing concentration of neutralizing antihuman PD-L1 antibody. The IC50 is 0.29 μg/ml (QC tested).
Binding activity of three different lots of FITC-labeled Human MSLN, Fc Tag was evaluated in the above FACS analysis against Anti-MSLN CAR-293 cells. The result shows very high batch-to-batch consistency.
Binding activity of three different lots of FITC-labeled Human MSLN, Fc Tag was evaluated in the above ELISA analysis against Anti-MSLN Antibody. The result shows very high batch-to-batch consistency.
Binding activity of the Human MSLN, Fc Tag before and after FITC labeling was evaluated in the above ELISA analysis. The result shows that FITC-Labeled and Unconjugated Human MSLN, Fc Tag have almost the same level of binding activity.
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分子名 | 製品番号 | ホスト | 説明 | 構造 | 予約注文/注文 |
バイオ医薬品の研究開発と生産の分野における顧客のニーズを満たすために、弊社ACROBiosystemsは高品質の蛍光標識タンパク質製品を積極的に開発しています。 ご意見やご感想をお聞かせいただければ幸いです。 ご提案やカスタマイズサービスについては、お気軽にお問い合わせください。
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