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固形がん CARターゲット
Nature reviews. Drug discovery vol. 20,7 (2021): 531-550.
Alexa Fluor 488/555/647, PE, APC, FITC-ラベルが使用可能
FDA DMFに登録済みの製品もあり、IND、NDA、BLA申請をサポート
> メソセリン,MSLN
> 中皮腫瘍、卵巣がん、膵臓がんで高発現
> メソセリンの異常発現は、P13K、ERK、MAPKシグナル伝達経路を活性化し、癌細胞の増殖、浸潤、転移を引き起こす。
> グリピカン3,GPC3
> 肝細胞がん、卵巣がん、扁平上皮がんに関与します
> 腫瘍微小環境において、腫瘍細胞の増殖、移動、浸潤および発生プロセスに影響を与えるさまざまな成長因子とシグナル伝達分子と相互作用します。
The purity of Human Mesothelin (296-580), His Tag, low endotoxin (Cat. No. MSN-H522a) is more than 90% and the molecular weight of this protein is around 32-47 kDa verified by SEC-MALS.
Immobilized Monoclonal Anti-Human GPC3 Antibody, Human IgG1 at 2 μg/mL (100 μL/well) can bind Biotinylated Human Glypican 3, His, Avitag (Cat. No. GP3-H82E5) with a linear range of 0.2-3 ng/mL (QC tested).
Immobilized Human Her2, His Tag (Cat. No. HE2-H5225) at 0.05 μg/mL (100 μL/well) can bind Trastuzumab with a linear range of 0.2-3 ng/mL (Routinely tested).
5e5 of anti-MSLN CAR-293 cells were stained with 100 μL of 3 μg/mL of AF488-Labeled Human Mesothelin (296-580), His Tag (Cat. No. MSN-HA2H9) and negative control protein respectively (Fig. C and B), and non-transfected 293 cells were used as a control (Fig. A). AF488 signal was used to evaluate the binding activity (QC tested).
5e5 of anti-Her2 CAR-293 cells were stained with 100 μL of 1:25 dilution (4 μL stock solution in 100 μL FACS buffer) of APC-Labeled Human Her2, His Tag (Cat. No. HE2-HA2H7) and negative control protein respectively. APC signal was used to evaluate the binding activity (QC tested).
5e5 of anti-GPC3 CAR-293 cells were stained with 100 μL of 1:25 dilution (4 μL stock solution in 100 μL FACS buffer) of PE-Labeled Human Glypican 3, His Tag (Cat. No. GP3-HP2E3) and negative control protein respectively. PE signal was used to evaluate the binding activity (QC tested).
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